Nu wordt ie nog mooier! De aap uit Wervershoof deed dit bij ons al op Hemelvaartsdag, maar nu is het wettelijk!
Het is dus zaak kantoor te houden op een andere locatie!
bron Belastingdienst: Geen toestemming meer nodig voor controles buiten kantooruren
23 december 2008
De rechter hoeft binnenkort geen toestemming meer te geven voor controles buiten kantoortijden. De Belastingdienst mag daardoor volgend jaar ook controles uitvoeren op zon- en feestdagen en buiten kantoortijden.
Nu moet de rechter nog toestemming geven voor contoles buiten kantooruren. Deze toestemming vervalt door een wijziging in de Invorderingswet die vorig jaar door de Eerste en Tweede Kamer is goedgekeurd.
Staatssecretaris De Jager moet nog een algemene maatregel van bestuur tekenen.
(foto opklikbaar: volle neef en generatiegenoot Charlotte Badger. Ze vermoedt dat hij wel raad wist met de gezanten van de koning: July 1863. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. "John L. Burns, the 'old hero of Gettysburg,' with gun and crutches." Burns, born ca. 1793, was a 70-year-old veteran of the War of 1812 when he was wounded in the Battle of Gettysburg, having volunteered his services as a sharpshooter to the Federal Army. He died of pneumonia in 1872.)
(He fought beside these men of the famous Iron Brigade throughout the afternoon, serving effectively as a sharpshooter, in one case shooting a charging Confederate officer from his horse. As the Union line began to give way and they fell back to the Seminary, Burns received wounds in the arm, the leg, and several minor ones in the breast; the Union soldiers were forced to leave him behind on the field. Injured and exhausted, the old man was able to crawl away from his rifle and to hastily bury his ammunition. He convinced the Confederates that he was a noncombatant, wandering the battlefield seeking aid for his invalid wife, and his wounds were dressed by their surgeons. This was a narrow escape for Burns, for by the rules of war he was subject to summary execution as a non-uniformed combatant, or bushwhacker. He was able to crawl that evening to the cellar of the nearest house, and was later conveyed to his own home, where he was treated by Dr. Charles Horner.)