UK: van vrijheid naar fascisme in 10 jaar.
"Tackling anti social behaviour". De UK gaat CCTV camera's plaatsen IN huizen van probleemgezinnen. Zowel labour als de tories zijn voor. Voor de laatsten gaat het programma niet ver genoeg.
Beginnend met 2000 locaties, uit te breiden naar 20.000 in 2010.
UPDATE: hoe CCTV opname op straat te voorkomen.
UPDATE 2 WIRED: It gets worse. The government is also maintaining a private army, incredibly not called “Thought Police”, which will “be sent round to carry out home checks,” according to the Sunday Express. And in a scheme which firmly cements the nation’s reputation as a “nanny state”, the kids and their families will be forced to sign “behavior contracts” which will “set out parents’ duties to ensure children behave and do their homework.”
And remember, this is the left-wing government. The Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling, batting for the conservatives, thinks these plans are “too little, and too late,” implying that even more obtrusive work needs to be done. Rumors that a new detention center, named Room 101, is being constructed inside the Ministry of Love are unconfirmed.